George Will and Big Laws in Baseball

Several years ago, I started listening to NPR on my drive to and from work. It was difficult news to listen to, because so much of it was international and unfamiliar. At the time I was trying to understand what was going on in Yugoslavia with Croatia declaring independence and Serbs and Croats fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which sounds like two places but is one. I’m not sure I ever figured it out, but I still enjoy listening to NPR to and from work.

A couple of years ago I decided to switch from Time to Newsweek. It seemed to have more challenging content than Time. One main reason was for George Will’s columns. They are hard to read. George uses complex ideas, sentences, and historical references.

George also happens to love baseball. It isn’t an easy read, but it is a good read about why you shouldn’t break the big laws (or you end up with small ones.) Here is one for you D.C. …

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No Irish Need Apply

I once saw an antique sign hanging in an Irish lawyer’s office: No Irish Need Apply. I assumed it was real, and I’ve passed on this story. After reading this article, I’m inclined to believe it was a “false replica” based on a myth.

Jeb the Web Reb

JEBStuart.jpegGreg asks, “what is a reb?” He ain’t from these parts.

Ted wrote a birthday poem saying not many words rhyme with Jeb. So I signed a comment “Jeb the Web Reb.”

Mom and Dad (mostly Dad) nicknamed me after General Jeb Stuart of the Confederate Army (the rebels.) So a “reb” was a confederate soldier.

The nickname was only supposed to be a childhood nickname. So Bruthu Grant should take note. He has nicknamed Michael “Lil’ Smut” … just for while he is a kid.
