YodaNet and Mac Addresses

YodaNet is set to only allow specific wireless cards to access it. If I don’t remember that (as when I get a new laptop with a built in wireless card) I will spend a couple of hours trying to get the PC to join YodaNet. (Again.)

Authorised Wireless PCs



00-02-2D-87-F9-4A <– TrueMobile MiniPCI card in Dell c840

Fixing Permissions

The problem was I had only issued the first line below (based on the instructions) and not the second one (not in the instructions.) MovableType could not build the files in /blog_archive without it.

[mac:~] Cashel% chmod 777 /Library/WebServer/Documents/blog

[mac:~] Cashel% chmod 777 /Library/WebServer/Documents/blog_archive