Someone Keeps Stealing My Letters

You have to let the flash program load, so wait until you see colorful letters. Warning: Immature people will try to make bad words. (Same thing happened on

It is funny to watch some of the dynamics in place. I immediately assumed the role of curse-word spoiler. When there are 30 to 40 people on, words rarely can get spelled, so you end up with other spontaneous, group interactions around shapes, colors, positions and patterns.

someonekeeps.gifI did this for about a half hour at home last night. Someone started an alphabet string, and I got the string to be bend in the circle. The whole group jumped in and an overlapping, sequential circle of letters was quicky formed, using all letters. This was the only completed group task that occured.

You’ll find 5 different “fridge sites” at the link above. One only allows 15 users which is less chaotic. We built the alphabet heart pictured here. When it worked (two complete alphabets met to form the heart) someone spelled “YAY LOL.”

2 thoughts on “Someone Keeps Stealing My Letters

  1. I tried it just now with 34 users on my fridge and the best we could do was separate all the letters by color. I started doing that and some other people joined in before the urge became too great for people to create words.

    This is a neat social experiment.

  2. I went back and read some of the whirlpool forum comments that the site links to. Apparently you could rotate the letters by shifting and dragging at one time, but you can’t do that anymore.

    Also they would get a bunch of people together and do it at the same time so they could get more done.

    Either the game automatically stacks up letters or people have learned how to hack the software to gather up all the letters and stack them up by command. I was on and ten letters at a time would stack onto exactly the same spot.

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