Gallery Installed on Mac5

Installed Gallery 2.2 on Mac5. It is different software than MovableType (our blogging software) so it requires a separate login (on main Gallery page.)

There is a link to the main page at the top-right of Mac5. And then I put links to specific albums using the word “Photos” next to the blog summaries. It takes a bit to get used to. Mom and I experimented tonight, and she was able to get some Las Vegas photos uploaded.

Quick Directions:

1. Put several photos in a folder on your desktop. When exporting them from your photo editor, choose a maximum width of 1000 pixels. The goal is to keep each photo under 2 MB.

2. Login (on main Gallery page.) Your album will hold albums. (And those albums will hold photos.)

4. Create a new album and name the directory without spaces: Ex: LasVegas2007

5. The title of the album can have spaces. Ex: Las Vegas 2007

6. Choose “Add items”.

7. Use the “Upload Applet” and answer “yes” about trusting it.

8. Drag the folder from your desktop created in step 1 into the empty Upload List window. The Upload List will fill up with a list of your photos.

9. Click on the “Upload” button and go have some coffee.

Once uploaded, you can rename your photos, add comments, and rearrange them.

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