7 thoughts on “Stop Buying Bottled Water

  1. Bottled water is crazy. It is the pet rock of today. People in a few years will say “People really went to the grocery store and bought water by the case?” And people in a thousand years will say “Man, there sure are a lot of plastic bottles around.”

  2. Thank goodness for bottled water. When we had our hurricanes last year it really came in handy after our water was cut off. We buy jugs of it just incase.

    I also DO notice a huge difference in the taste. Test me any day of the week. The water fountains here do not have filters, so I take a bottle with me to the gym. I also send them to school with the boys. I recycle my bottles at home and fill them with filtered water. I also recycle the overflow bottles in our recycling bin.

    It’s also handy to freeze bottles and stick them in the cooler. Then you can drink your ice pack.


  3. I definately think it’s a waste to buy bottled water – however, Carol has a good point about the taste of the water in Lakeland. Soooo, what I would rather have available is cases of empty bottles to fill with your perfectly good water from home. Then, you can take them to school, the gym, the car, fill them for hurricanes, or whatever. And- you can reuse them. A case of empty bottles a month should last a year.


  4. The water we have here is the best. It tastes sooo good to me. I think bottled water tastes funny. AND Pepsi is OK but the Pepsi with lime and with vanilla are disgusting. Plus coke is better because it was made in Georgia.

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